Moving Towards Better Health

Helping you find confidence, good health, and happiness.

Not everyone struggles in the same way.

Food, medications, stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, and medical conditions are all factors that contribute to being overweight or even just gaining more weight than is normal for you. These factors are a huge part of life, some of which you can’t control. It can be hard for others to understand how you feel.  After all, they aren’t visibly overweight and can seemingly live their life without fear of gaining weight or suffering from the potential side effects that carrying extra weight brings.  How did they get so lucky? 

Eating and food are a huge part of life. Food can bring you comfort and it can provide you with a connection to others. You eat when you celebrate and when you mourn. Birthdays, anniversaries, or promotions at work are generally celebrated with snacks, cake, or meals out.  Funerals and the stress of mourning usually involves food as well. Food can be used to dull the pain that comes with loss.

Calories, fat, sugar, and the evil CARBS.  It’s all you can think about.  Well, that and how none of your clothes fit, how you have trouble feeling comfortable in social situations, and if people are staring at you. You don’t like what you see when you look in the mirror and you want to make a change but you aren’t sure where to start.  You’ve tried exercising or at least have thought about it.  You’ve been on every diet, maybe twice, without success. 

You feel like you want to give up but something inside you says it’s time to ask for some help.  You don’t want to ask your friends because you know they don’t understand.  They may not struggle in this area of their life.  Perhaps your spouse doesn’t know how to help you.  Just “eat a little bit less” or “just exercise more” isn’t the motivation, or lack thereof, that you’re looking for.  Although well-meaning, these aren’t the words you need to help.  Your friends and family mean well, but if they’ve never struggled with being overweight, or experienced the feelings that you deal with daily, it can be hard for them to understand.

Celebrations to sadness.

Daily stressors in your life affect your whole body system. It can be hard to believe that an events that happen to you daily can have such an impact on your health. Insomnia, weight gain or loss, and anxiety are all signs that your body is struggling to find balance. It may seem intimidating to dive deep into “the why” of how you feel now. Working together we can identify feelings of uncertainty that are affecting your health. Your self-esteem could use a boost and that positive feeling is possible once you can identify triggers bringing you down. Imagine feeling better and having confidence in yourself to work toward lasting changes.

Perhaps you are taking a medication or suffering from an illness that has caused you to gain weight.  It isn’t something you can control.  Not only are you stressed about your medical condition, you are also focused on the ill-effects that being overweight can cause.  You know you need the medicine, but you also know that you could use some help. You feel defeated and you aren’t sure if you can pull yourself out of the negative mindset.

Your body is asking for help.

Relief is possible.

Imagine your life with more hope and positivity.

  • Increase in self-esteem

  • Lower levels of stress and anxiety

  • Better sleep quality

  • Positive body confidence

  • Improved personal relationships

  • Coping Skills

Schedule your free 15-minute telephone consultation today to explore ways we can work together.